On October 15 we kick off our brand new, seven week, EI intensive course Want to Work With Babies? with Julianne Costa, OTR/L, DPT. Due to the overwhelming success of our one day Vygotsky Approach course, we are pleased to announce its expansion to a two day course: The Vygotsky Approach to Early Childhood Learning: Assessment and Treatment for the Child With Language Delays with Craig Selinger, MS, CCC-SLP. This course will take place on October 17 and 18. Last but not least, we have a very exciting two day course with Richard Sabel, MA, MPH, OTR and Bill Gallagher, PT, CMT, CYT, Integrating Complementary and Alternative Medicine Therapy Techniques into Reimbursable Programming: Innovative Approaches to Increase Function in the Community/Long Term Care and Subacute Elderly Population, which is being held December 5 and 6.
Please read below for more information on each course. Additional information and registration information can be found on our website.
Want to Work With Babies?
with Julianne Costa, OTR/L, DPT
This seven -week EI intensive (Oct. 15, Oct. 22, Oct. 29, Nov.5, Nov. 12, Nov. 19 and Dec. 3, 2009) is designed for experienced providers interested in working with this population, or those looking for a refresher. Each class builds on knowledge gained in the previous week, focusing on reviews of normal and abnormal development (using real babies), observation and assessment of babies gross motor skills, review of appropriate evaluations and the special considerations when working with the medically fragile infant. Treatment interventions, documentation requirements and EI regulations will also be presented.
The Vygotsky Approach to Early Childhood Learning: Assessment and Treatment for the Child With Language Delays
with Craig Selinger, MS, CCC-SLP
In this two-day course (October 17 and 18, 2009) participants will learn an interdisciplinary developmental approach to assessing and treating toddlers and preschoolers with language delays through lecture, discussions, group participation, videos and case studies. This lecture will focus on verbal and receptive language delays and how an underlying language delay can significantly affect speech development and early childhood learning. The course will incorporate The Vygotsky approach to early childhood learning which emphasizes the child and adult interactions rather than the Piaget approach of child directed learning. Participants will learn how to individualize therapy and use effective treatment techniques to better achieve IFSP and IEP goals.
Integrating Complementary and Alternative Medicine Therapy Techniques into Reimbursable Programming: Innovative Approaches to Increase Function in the Community/Long Term Care and Subacute Elderly Population
with Richard Sabel, MA, MPH, OTR and Bill Gallagher, PT, CMT, CYT
Over the past decade health professionals and their patients have been redefining rehabilitation to include therapeutic techniques drawn from disciplines such as Tai Chi, Yoga and Feldenkrais. Practitioners of these disciplines have long realized the restorative benefits of mind body practice. But could these techniques be applied to an elderly population in either the community or long term care/subacute setting to achieve functional outcomes and capture reimbursable services.
This two day conference (December 5 and December 6, 2009) will present programs which can be implemented the next day and provide reimbursement under Medicare and Medicaid to promote independence in ADL’s such as bed mobility, transfers, bowel and bladder control, ambulation, dressing and toileting. Learn about the origins of the treatment, how to apply the techniques to achieve functional outcomes, along with documentation and coding to ensure reimbursement under the various payer sources.
For more information on these exciting new courses, as well as all of our fall course offerings, please click here!
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