March 17, 2011

Marilyn and Lisa Attend the New York Chapter of the American College of Health Care Administrators Convention

For the 25th time, Lisa and Marilyn took their yearly jaunt to serve as vendors at the 42nd Annual Convention of the New York Chapter of the ACHCA.  This year TR took a double booth - one for Therapeutic Resources and the other for their new entity TR/Z Rehab Group. (See prior post for details).  This convention combines education for nursing home administrators with a vendor exhibition which offers the opportunity for vendors to market to over a one hundred administrators along with nursing directors and financial executives. For three days we live and breath nursing homes, attend educational sessions and network with old friends in the industry.

The focus of the educational sessions this year included updates on the 2011 New York State budget, with a special emphasis on Medicaid reimbursement issues facing the long term care arena, as well as the impact of health care reform on the fraud and abuse landscape in long term care.  These are challenging times for the industry, but like every other industry, we are all making the adjustments and sacrifices in order to survive this difficult climate.

See all of the pics from this event on our Facebook page!

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