October 06, 2011

Last Chance To Register: Three Nights of Pediatric Evaluations

Therapeutic Resources upcoming series, Three Nights of Pediatric Evaluations: A Review of the Alberta Infant Motor Scale (AIMS), the Toddler Infant Motor Evaluation (TIME), and Informed Clinical Opinion & Non-Standardized Tests is almost upon us.   There is still time to register!  Our series runs on the following dates in November: 3, 10, & 17th  from 5-8pm at Therapeutic Resources.  Here is a run down of the evenings:

4:30-5:00 PM: Registration
5:00-8:00 PM: Alberta Infant Motor Scales (AIMS)
This evening will focus on learning the AIMS, a standardized test which evaluates motor performances and development in children up to 18 months of age. This session will cover standardization, administration, scoring and interpretation through video and case samples to evaluate motor functions in infants and young children.

DAY 2—NOVEMBER 104:30- 5:00 PM: Registration
5:00-8:00 PM:  Toddler Infant Motor Evaluation (TIME)
The TIME is a standardized assessment which evaluates the overall
quality of infant and toddler movement using subtests which include mobility, stability, motor organization, functional performance and social- emotional abilities. The evening will cover  standardization, administration, scoring and interpretation through video and case samples to evaluate fine and gross motor function in infants and young children.

DAY 3—NOVEMBER 174:30-5:00 PM: Registration
5:00-8:00 PM: Informed Clinical Opinion and Non Standardized Tests
This evening will focus on discussion of how to use informed clinical
opinion and non standardized tests to support your results to determine eligibility for early intervention services. Discussion of quality of movement and sensory processing issues related to child’s functional abilities and future learning will be covered. This is an especially important skill set when a standardized test cannot be administered or when results of standardized tests do not support a child’s clinical

To register click here or call our Continuing Education Department at 212.529.9780

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