January 05, 2012

Last Chance to Register for
Top 10 Interventions in the Classroom

Cost: $119
FREE if you sign on with Therapeutic Resources for the Department of Education bid!
Date: January 18th, 2012
Speaker Name: Laurette Olson, PhD, OTR/L
Therapeutic Resources36-36 33rd Street (SUITE 500)
Long Island City, NY 11106

With a changing national economy and dramatic changes in public education, school-based practitioners are being asked to integrate mandated therapy services into classroom interventions.  Therapists must develop treatment priorities and activities appropriate for the classroom which will facilitate success in achieving IEP goals.  This course will cover strategies to be employed in the classroom.  Participants will gain knowledge of specific “top ten” interventions to add to their therapy toolkit.

To gain free entry into these events, sign on with Therapeutic Resources for the Department of Education Bid.  Signing on with Therapeutic Resources does not obligate you to work for us, even if we are awarded the Department of Education contract.  To sign on with Therapeutic Resources, please call Wendy Toussaint at 212.529.9780.   If you have already signed on and want to register for this course, please contact Angelina Conti at 212.589.1205.

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