March 08, 2012

RAWRrrrr.... Still time to register!!!!!

Seminar: Managing Difficult Behavior During Treatment Sessions
Cost: $119
FREE if you currently hold CPSE cases through Therapeutic Resources
Speaker Name: Margie Rubin, MA
Click here to register
Seminar Date: April 04, 2012 

Time: 4:30-7:00


This three-hour behavior strategy intensive is designed to give clinicians methods to use with children who present various difficult behaviors during treatment sessions. The speaker will explain and demonstrate techniques to uncover the underlying motivation for behavior (such as boredom, embarrassment, lack of motivation,etc.).

Who Should Attend:
Speech Language Pathologists, Occupational Therapists, Physical Therapists and Special Educators

Speaker Bio: 

Margie Rubin, MA is a behavior specialist for Menlo Park City, School District  in California.  She has been working with emotionally disturbed children and children on the autistic spectrum in the school environment for over 21 years.  She holds credentials that allow her to supervise clinicians and teachers who work with severely handicapped and learning handicapped children.  She has extensive experience in using the TEACCH method for children ages 2-18. who present with Autism Spectrum Disorders, behavior disorders, and communication  handicaps.

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