June 21, 2012

App Thursday: Apps for Children with Special Needs is Giving Away 40 iPads!

Oxford, Connecticut - The Apps for Children with Special Needs website (A4cwsn) helps parents and professionals view apps on video before you purchase them. Every App that appears on the site (over 500) is put on video and demonstrated by site owner Gary James. The video demonstrations can help you save time and money, some apps cost upwards of $200 and being able to watch a very detailed video with no bias prior to purchasing the App is extremely important.

Over the past year over 140 iPads and thousands of Apps have been provided to those who need them. Now they are starting a new campaign to give another 40 iPads away.

Just last year James drove through each State and handed an iPad into the hands of a child with special needs. That was the trip of a lifetime for sure and although I would love to do it again, this time we will mail all iPads out directly, said James.

To be eligible for one of the 40 iPads being given away all you have to do is sign up for the email from Apps for Children with Special Needs (do that here), that will go out once a week providing an update on the Campaign. We are not only doing this to provide iPads, but want to help developers that support us and Children with Special Needs, get the recognition they deserve.

They  are also giving away iTunes cards and apps.  Click here to enter.

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