September 11, 2013

Speech therapy is a family affair

(United Kingdom) Kenilworth mum Vickie Shanks praises Speech and Language Therapy Service for helping her seven children, some of whom are autistic and suffer cerebral palsy

Speech and language therapy has transformed the life of a Warwickshire family, and helped them come to terms with tragedy.

Kenilworth mum Vickie Shanks and her seven children, some of whom are autistic and suffer cerebral palsy, has praised the Speech and Language Therapy Service in Warwickshire for improving communication between them.

She says the service was crucial in helping them to deal with the unexpected death of her children’s father Paul who tragically committed suicide six years ago, aged 51.

“It really helped at an extremely difficult time because the children were all so anxious,” said Vickie.

“The service helped me to deal with that and it helped take the edge off. Communication is so important during times like that.”

Speech and language therapists have been part of her children’s lives since twins Mirie and Lorie, now 17, were two years old, when they worked with the family to discover why their language was delayed.

Since then, siblings Nikita, 15, Osborn, 14, and Pippa, 12, have all been involved with therapists who have offered expert advice, assessments and recommendations to ensure the children were able to flourish in the appropriate setting.

Vickie said her two older daughters Jamie, 22, and Kacie, 19, had also benefited through the improvements to the whole family.

She said: “I am so passionate about how critical the role of speech and language therapists are to people’s lives. I don’t know how my children and I would have coped if they had not had access their specialist skills. sing the techniques we have been taught, my family have been able to change our vocabulary so that we can communicate with each other effectively.”

The service, run by South Warwickshire NHS Foundation Trust, has also supported Tom Beckett, of Nuneaton, who received special support after undergoing treatment for mouth cancer.

He was diagnosed with the condition in 2009 and was unable to eat or drink following an operation to remove the lump in his mouth.

By the end of Tom’s treatment he was unable to open his mouth and relied on his wife Mary to be his voice.

He said: “I used writing and gesture as a way of communicating with people but found this extremely frustrating.”

Tom added: “I would like to thank the Speech and Language Therapy Team for their help and support after my cancer treatment.

“Without their help, I don’t think I would have coped as well.”


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