January 31, 2014

Help Save the Early Early Intervention Program!

EI Services and Payment are at Risk!!!

Last April the State Department of Health implemented a new billing protocol for Early Intervention Services. By all accounts it was NOT consistent with what the State Legislature thought they had approved back in 2012. Without any doubt, it has caused havoc and chaos with providers being required to do most of the work that counties used to do to process billing, without any additional compensation! 

It has caused long delays in payment to large providers, small providers, and especially individual providers! It is now not unusual for provider to have to wait three or four months and longer for their payments. And in some cases they are not being reimbursed at all because of billing errors not of their making, or due to stalling tactics of commercial insurance companies.

The State Legislature has recognized that the new Early Intervention billing system is unfair and unworkable. They are trying to reform it THIS YEAR…but your voices are needed, NOW.

A bill which has been introduced in both the Assembly and Senate is now making its way through the legislative process. The legislation would require that providers be paid within 30 days of submitting claims to the Fiscal Agent. And the bill would require the Fiscal agent, not the EI service providers, to interface with insurance companies when questions and issues arise.

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