May 07, 2015

Free Webinar for Early Intervention Therapists!

On May 19th from 2:30 PM - 3:45 PM ET (11:30am - 12:45pm PT), CADRE will host a free webinar, Playing Nicely Together: Family-Centered Practices to Help Practitioners and Families Work Together, with  presenters Megan Vinh, Judy Swett, Amy Whitehorne, Yvette Plummer Burkhalter, and Kristin Clarke Reeves.

Details about the webinar and how to register appear below as well as on the CADRE website. (If you?re unable to join, a recording will be available on the website at a later date.)  The website is here:

About the Webinar: This webinar will focus on the fundamentals of creating supportive and effective family-practitioner relationships. The group of presenters, representing family, practitioner, and technical assistance perspectives, will share some of the building blocks of relationships, family-centered practices, and examples of exemplary family-practitioner collaboration. 

Megan Vinh, ECTA & DaSy
Judy Swett, PACER Center & ECTA
Amy Whitehorne, CADRE
Yvette Plummer Burkhalter, Denver CPRC
Kristin Clarke Reaves, Occupational Therapist

Webinar Details:
Please register for the webinar by clicking on the following link (details about how to join will be sent to you upon registration): 

Joining Online:
Click on the following link and enter your name into the guest field:

Joining by Phone:
For best audio quality we recommend you dial in using a telephone:
1-877-512-6886 and enter Conference ID 679 683 6031#

View past CADRE webinar recordings

Please note: If interested, you may email and we will update you on upcoming CADRE webinars and provide you with an opportunity to give us feedback.

CADRE is The National Center on Dispute Resolution in Special Education.  To find out more about them please visit

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