August 25, 2010

Introducing Combat Feeding: Managing Difficult Feeding and Swallowing Challenges with the Early Intervention Population

Combat Feeding:
Managing Difficult Feeding and Swallowing Challenges
with the Early Intervention Population
$119.00 (.3 CEUs)
October 27, 2010 @ Therapeutic ResourcesThis introductory course is intended for new clinicians or those about to re-enter pediatric practice. Participants will receive “real-world” information needed while working in the field by providing the clinician with a toolbox to respond to a child and family having difficulty with eating. We will address the inherent complexities of managing feeding difficulties of young children in a home based environment. We'll cover the important issues of best practice when confronted with a myriad of challenges such as oppositional behavior, sensory disturbances, cultural nuances regarding foods and rituals, and family dynamics. Clinicians will learn how to sharpen their observation skills, and how to implement treatment using strategies that will work in the home setting. Clinical liability issues will also be addressed.

This Is A Green Seminar!
Following in the footsteps of such organizations as the AOTA, Therapeutic Resources is committed to reducing its carbon footprint on the environment as well as providing extra benefits for the participant. By registering for one of our  green seminars, you will receive your handouts electronically within 72 hours before the seminar.  If you register for this seminar after handouts have been emailed, a data CD will be provided for you the day of the event. Handouts for this event will be emailed on October 13, 2010.

By the conclusion of this course, participants will: 

  • Understand the use of typical development to guide treatment decisions.
  • Develop the observational skills to evaluate feeding difficulties
  • Identify critical interdisciplinary team members necessary for initiating home-based feeding therapy.
  • Manage clinical liability by working within scope of practice guidelines established by ASHA
  • Apply the knowledge gained, to establish treatment targets
Click here to register online!
Register by phone at 212.529.9780.

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