August 25, 2010

Register Now for Two Great New Seminars this Fall!

The Beginner's Guide to Early Intervention:
EverythingYou Need To Know About Starting A Home Based Practice With Babies and Toddlers
September 25, 2010
$199.00 on or before 9/7/10; $219.00 after 9/7/10

 If you’re thinking of working with babies, or you want fresh ideas and ways to organize your early intervention practice, then this is the workshop for you!!!  Our speaker will cover creative and effective treatment activities for children ages 0-3.  The best treatment tools and toys, adapting the home environment for the treatment session, appropriate activities to use and helpful documentationtips will be presented using case studies demonstration, video, and lectures to illustrate concepts.This practical course will cover every aspect of early intervention; preparing the attendee to develop a new practice area or deepen their current knowledge base.  A complete manual accompanies this course that can be used the moment you take your first EI case.

By the conclusion of this course participants will be able to:

  • Provide treatment activities using toys, gross motor equipment, sensory tools, natural environment activities, pre academic crafts, graphomotor activities
  • Work with parents by providing key handouts such as calendar activities, month by month milestone charts, toy suggestions and behavioral treatment interventions.
  • Organize your practice
  • Document progress quickly and effectively on session notes, progress notes, requests for change and additional service
  • Create treatment plans for children with specific diagnoses

Language, Literacy, and Academic Achievement:

Assessing and Treating the Language Learning Disabled School Aged Child
September 26, 2010
$199.00 on or before 9/7/10; $219 on or after 9/7/10

This course will examine the developmental and clinical relationship among language, literacy, and academic achievement.  Specific developmental stages will be considered in order to understand how children make the transition from speaking and listening to reading and writing in order to attain academic success.  Formal standardized tests and informal discourse analysis procedures will be explored so as to design the most effective assessment approaches for the school-aged child.  Treatment

strategies will be considered to address deficits in decoding and word recognition, listening and reading comprehension, as well as
oral and written expression.

By the conclusion of this course, participants will be able to:

  • Identify specific interactions between language and academic performance, including reading, spelling, writing, math and text comprehension. 
  • Describe the characteristics of later language learning involved in the transition to literacy, including the development of metalinguistic awareness, and the comprehension and formulation of narrative and expository discourse structures. 
  • Compare the relative usefulness of traditional as well as discourse and curriculum based approaches to assessment and treatment of language deficits in relation to academic achievement. 
  • Identify appropriate standardized tests as well as discourse and curriculum based formats for assessing language deficits in relationship to academic performance.
  • Identify appropriate approaches to facilitate the development of decoding, word recognition, listening and reading comprehension, and oral written expression.

Click here to register online!
Register by phone at 212.529.9780

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