February 04, 2011

Long Term Care Council and Alice Massa

Alica Massa, OTR, Director of Rehab at Kings Harbor Care Center (and the the moderator of TR's Long Term Care Council) is returning to Nigeria in February in an effort to bring medical supplies and therapy assistance to the numerous small villages and medical dispensaries in the country. She has done this before and presented her experiences to the Council several years ago. 
As the moderator of the Council meetings - which provides educational and networking opportunities to OT, PT and SLP Directors and Supervisors - she is instrumental in facilitating discussions on topics such as reimbursement, audits, legal issues, documentation and Medicare and Medicaid changes.

Alice will be on her humanitarian mission and will miss the upcoming meeting scheduled for March 1.  We are urging our readers to donate bandages, vitamins, and analgesics for both adults and children  by sending them to  Alice Massa  at  Kings Harbor Care Center, 2000 East Gun Hill Road, New York, NY 10469, so that she may take them with her by February 22. 

Thanks for you help  - and thanks to Alice for being such a great role model for all of us.

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