March 09, 2011

New York Medicaid Redesign Includes Limits on OT Visits

The Medicaid Redesign Team
last week submitted 79 different proposals on controlling Medicaid spending to Governor Cuomo. The Governor accepted all of the proposals and is working quickly to include these proposals in the state budget.
 The proposals include a limit of 20 visits per year for OT, PT and ST. Children under 21 and people with developmental disabilities are exempt from these limits.

Arbitrary limits on health care services is bad health care policy because it fails to take into account patients with more severe diagnoses, comorbidities or more then one episode in a year. In addition, the current proposal does not provide for any exceptions process like Medicare Part B, or a utilization threshold over-ride system as we have for other Medicaid services.

If this proposal is implemented as currently written it will result in Medicaid recipients with severe disabilities being cut off of therapy before treatment is completed. Many Medicaid patients, unable to complete rehab, will end up unable to return home and placed in long-term care institutions where Medicaid costs will compound over many years.

Tell State legislators that arbitrary limits on occupational therapy proposed under Medicaid Redesign is a bad health care policy. Patients deserve medically necessary care.


Sheldon Silver Assembly Speaker
T  518.455.3791
F  518.455.5459

Richard Gottfried
Chair of Assembly Health Committee
Assembly Member
T  518.455.4941
F  518.455.5939

Senator Dean Skelos
Senate Majority Leader

T  518.455.3171
F  518.426.6950 

Senator Kemp Hannon
Chair of the Senate Health Committee
T  518.455.2200  
F  518.426.6954  

And come with us to Albany for Lobby Day March 22nd!
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