September 10, 2009

Lisa and Marilyn Invited to Speak at the 2010 World Federation of Occupational Therapists Congress in Santiago, Chile


Lisa and Marilyn are very excited that their paper entitled "Applying OT Process and Clinical Reasoning Skills to Develop an Alternative OT Practice: 25 Year History of a Work in Progress" has been accepted at the 15th WFOT Congress in Santiago, Chile in May 2010.

The presentation details how they used their skills as occupational therapists to create Therapeutic Resources. They look forward to sharing their process and hope their success will encourage other therapists to develop and implement their ideas for alternative practice areas.


Anonymous said...

Congratulations to Lisa and Marilyn Sounds like a great topic!

Anonymous said...

This sounds very exciting, and I'm curious as to the difference in cultural practices. I can't wait to hear about your experiences.