July 16, 2010

Summer to Fall Seminars at Therapeutic Resources!

PhotobucketHere at TR we are all hot and cranky, and more heat is coming...Yet we are working like busy bees gearing up for new seminar season starting August 12! The brochures are at the printers, last minute changes are being applied to agendas, speaker contracts are being solidified, and our website is being updated as we perfect our fall courses.
Our next seminar,
So You Want to Start a School Based Practice?, being held at Therapeutic Resources on August 12, is an evening course for clinicians curious about taking a public school caseload through TR. All the rules, guidelines and systems of the Department of Education will be explained, and clinical issues pertaining to the child's diagnosis and treatment interventions in a school based setting will be reviewed.

On the heels of that course is Rehab Survival Under MDS 3.0 and RUGS IV: A New Model For Productivity, Caseload Management, Staffing and Revenue Capture, to be held at the Sheraton LaGuardia East on September 14. This full-day course is for all clinicians working in the long term care arena. The October 1, 2010 RUGS IV and MDS 3.0 changes will be reviewed, along the with management changes which will be necessary to ensure reimbursement capture and staffing efficiencies. This is a not to be missed event!

Also in September is The Beginner's Guide to Early Intervention: Everything You Need To Know About Starting A Home Based Practice With Babies and Toddlers on September 25. This day long conference is for clinicians who want to enter or reorganize an Early Intervention practice. NYC Early Intervention Department guidelines and documentation will be reviewed, along with guidelines for choosing appropriate toys, suggestions for working in the home, dealing with siblings and family members - and that's just the beginning. Therapists will walk away with a working manual outlining everything you need to know to get started in EI.

The above courses begin our summer to fall conference schedule. For the full fall course offerings please visit www.therapeuticresource.com and click on the Seminars page. Don't forget that courses offered by Therapeutic Resources provide you with valuable CEU credits for all Occupational Therapists, Physical Therapists and Speech Language Pathologists!

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